Archive for the ‘ALIVE INSPIRATION’ Category

Scriptures of the word tell us the words we speak are very important to our spiritual, mental and emotional well-being. The Old Testament records King David praying…”Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your site oh God.” In the New Testament, we hear the Apostle Paul saying “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word.” God, referring to His own words, declares “My words shall not return to me void”

I had the opportunity to read the book “Law of Attraction” and it speaks of how what you think and say determines what you see and do both consciously and sub-consciously. Your are a reflection of your every words. You are ultimately a product of your environment and ultimately your words create your environment. One of the quickest ways to change how you feel is to change the words you are using.

Hear are a few facts about the world of words we live in:

  • There are 75,000 words in the English vocabulary; it being the largest in the world.
  • Shakespeare used 24,000 words, the most of any writer. He used what was available and made some up.
  • Words create feelings. Emotion packed words create feelings. For instance, the Italians generally use a lot more emotion-packed words than the English and Germans.
  • Out of 75,000 words only 4,000 describe emotions. Of the four thousand, thirty-six hundred of them describe negative feelings…only leaving four-hundred to describe positive emotions.
  • In most dictionaries there are only 34 words to describe pleasant feelings. Yet there are 275 words to describe unpleasant feelings.

God, Creator of the universe, created people to reflect His image. As the reflection of the Creator, all people have His creative power. When we put God’s Word in our mouths and speak His words, those words release creative power into our circumstances that enables us to maintain a high level of Christian living.

It is important that we understand the significance of being made in God’s image. One of the differences between us and animals is that though animals can procreate, they have no creative power. Man has a certain measure of God’s creative power. Science cannot create, it can only discover what was already created. Researchers discovered the law of gravity and that the world was round. But their discoveries only revealed what originated from God.

Man has the ability to produce beyond the physical senses because of the image in which we were created. Man’s creative power is in the image of God’s. In other words, just as God released His creative power through words, He has given us the same ability to create through the words we speak. God spoke a word, and the worlds which did not exist suddenly existed (Hebrews 11:3; Romans 4:17). Likewise, man is able to influence the outcome of his life with the words he speaks. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

A man can see a vacant lot and think, What a great place for an apartment building.He can think about the apartments and everything it would take to build them and run them, yet still that lot will be vacant. But when he turns to a business partner and says, “We can build apartments there,” he begins creating something that did not exist. Once he speaks it, he commits himself to the idea, and
together they begin exploring its merits. All the creative force starts with his words.

The principle is: one of the quickest ways to change how you feel is to change the words you are using; both the words you speak to others, and the self-talk you are hearing all day long. For instance, if I say, “that really makes me angry,” those words are going to generate pretty intense feelings. However, if describing the same situation, I say, “that really bothers me,” I won’t experience quite as intense emotion. You might become aware of the words you’re using and see how they are generating either positive or negative feelings. You can decrease a lot of emotional unrest by simply softening some of you vocabulary. Your nervous system in always responding to the words you use.

Words come toward us at lightening like speed from every imaginable source… television, radio, friends, family, and business associates. Likewise we send words to others with equal frequency and speed. Advertisers have known for years that words can trigger emotional responses within us that can make us hungry, tired, or curious. There is no doubt about it, words are powerful! They can build up or tear down, hurt or heal, support or weaken. You can decrease a lot of emotional unrest by simply softening some of you vocabulary. Your nervous system in always responding to the words you use.

Hear are some suggestions for creating a more positive world through your choice of words:

  • Speak words which profit others.” Our words have built within them a strong tendency to return to us as self-fulfilling prophecies. We have heard the concept put many ways…what you give you receive, what you sow, you reap, and what goes around comes around. Perhaps if we viewed the journey of our words as circular in nature, we would be more attentive to our choice of words before we speak them.
  • “Speak words which create positive images” Most people’s minds work in pictures. For example, if I say “think of your husband, wife, or significant other”, you don’t spell out the person’s name in your mind, you get an image or picture of them. Or if I say “Think of a beautiful sunset on your favorite beach”, your mind automatically pulls up a picture of that scene. Lets be aware that the words we speak are either creating pleasurable or painful mental pictures for others and ourselves.
  • “Speak words which inspire other’s and your dreams and goals” You probably know what it is like to share your innermost dreams with a “trusted” friend, only to have them shot down in mid-air. If, when sharing your dreams with others, they respond with words like “that’s silly”, or “who do you think you are?”, it really has a way of throwing cold water on even the hottest ideas. So with that in mind, let’s make sure our responses to other people’s dreams are positive, encouraging and uplifting.

The book of Proverbs tells us that “Life and death are in the power of the tongue” Let’s make sure we speak words of life to others and ourselves. Your words really do create your world!!! It’s very powerful when you stand in front of a mirror and speak spiritual inspirational words to yourself as well as motivational positive words.

Make Your Retirement Dreams Come True

Having a million-dollar portfolio is a retirement dream for many people. Making that dream come true requires some serious effort. While success is never a sure thing, the 10 steps outlined here will go a long way toward helping you achieve your objective. There are profound ways to hit millionaire status before retirement starts knocking on your door but irrespective of how much or how little has to be done; there are basic principles that need to be adhered to in-order to attain and maintain millionaire status. For most people it will be impossible for them to retire as early as 30 or 40 or even 50 but that’s because they fail to start early with learning financial principles and maintaining proper financial habits. Financial health is like your regular health. Consistency in whatever you do is the key to maintaining proper financial health/lifestyle. So when I say save for the rainy day; it means save consistently and keep up with principal appreciation mechanisms/techniques to stay ahead of the game.
Here are the 10 steps:

1. Set The Goal

Nobody plans to fail, but plenty of people fail to plan. It’s a cliché, but it’s true. “Planning” is the leading self-help advice from athletes, business moguls and everyday people who have achieved extraordinary goals. Your goal should never be to retire at 80, 85 or 90. Now you will say in your mind; who plans to retire that late???Well the truth is when you don’t have a goal as early as possible then you automatically plan to retire that late. Retiring at 50, 60 is the ideal thing but that means you have to set “the” goal and consistently set goals to help you achieve your set ultimate goal. (Big Audacious Goals – BAG). Always have a BAG because that’s where you save your plans.

2. Start Saving

If you don’t save, you’ll never reach your goal. As obvious as this might seem, far too many people never even start to save. If your employer offers an RSP plan, enrolling in the plan is a great way to put your savings on autopilot. Simply sign up for the plan and contributions will be automatically taken out of your paycheck, increasing your savings and decreasing your immediate tax liability. Furthermore, if your employer offers to match your contributions up to a certain limit, be sure to contribute enough to get the full match. It’s like getting a guaranteed return on your investment! Start saving as early as possible. People try to wait for that big paying job to come around before they try to work out a saving regiment but if that takes a while to happen then there’s  already a dent in your retirement plan. So save now, save early and save for the future. Saving helps act also as an emergency fund when life happens so don’t always spend all you got. Try to live within your means.

3. Get Aggressive

Studies have shown that the majority of the returns generated by an investment are dictated by the asset-allocation decision. If you are looking to grow your wealth over time, fixed-income investments, or a certificate of deposit (CD) aren’t likely to get the job done, and inflation can take a big chunk out of your savings. Passive investor hardly make it to where they want to be because if you play safe then you reap safe rewards. There’s a positive correlation between risk and reward. The more risk you take, then inversely the more reward potential is available and vice versa so get aggressive. Increase your asset base with tangible assets that are able to fund your liabilities and provide passive income as well that’s why real estate remains the best method to attain, retain and in the process transfer wealth.

4. Build A Rainy Day Fund

Part of long-term planning involves accepting the idea that setbacks will occur. If you are not prepared, these setbacks can put a stop to your savings efforts. While you can’t avoid all the bumps in the road, you can prepare in advance to mitigate the damage they can do.

5. Increase The Amount You Save

Your income should rise as time passes. You’ll get raises, you’ll change jobs, and maybe you’ll get married and become a two-income family. Every time more cash comes into your pocket, you should increase the amount that you save. The key to reaching your goal as quickly as possible is to save as much as you can. Theres one thing that separates the poor from the rich and the rich from the wealthy and that is how much of a variance there is between your asset and liability ratio. For most people as life goes on and their paycheck or bonuses increase so does their liabilities increase as fast as their paycheck increases. Liabilities are what makes anyone poor not the absence of money. An individual can make 100,000 a year and have a liability base of 110,000 and they take on extra credit to fund their lifestyle thinking the money is there but that’s the ultimate definition of poverty.
It’s not about how much you make; it’s about how much you keep. “How much you keep is what determines your wealth”.
So when your paycheck/bonuses  increase strive to maintain your lifestyle as is and increase your savings and most importantly your asset base. The reason they are called assets is because they bring something of value to the table/your pocket while liabilities take something of value away from the table/your pocket. Remember whatever takes money/financial resource away from you is a liability

6. Watch Your Spending

Vacations, car, kids and all of life’s other expenses take a big chunk out of your paycheck. To maximize your savings, you need to minimize your spending. Buying a home you can afford and living a lifestyle that is below your means and not funded by credit cards are all necessities if you want to boost your savings. The Beauty Of Budgeting can help you figure out how to make it to the end of the month before you run out of money. Always have a budget. Irrespective of how much you make a budget keeps your spending on track and makes you aware of whats coming in and whats going out. The number one principle in financial literacy is owning and maintaining a budget. There are folks that are great at making money but they are horrible at spending it as well because they don’t know how to manage and live on a budget.
No matter how much you earn, poverty is the definition of what you can’t keep and what you don’t have control over.
A budget helps you keep your money and puts you in control over your financial resource and ultimately your wealth.

7. Monitor Your Portfolio

If you’re a mid to long-term investor, there is no need to obsess over every movement of the Dow or TSX. Instead, check your portfolio once a year and re-balance your asset allocation to keep on track with your plan. Another thing to consider is investing in real estate. Never invest in anything as a speculator because you will end up losing more in most cases than making more. Invest for the long-term and for the future. Real Estate investing can take any form; whether in a REIT or in private equity REIT or in an actually brick/mortar purchase. Real Estate remains one of the safest ways to grow your wealth for retirement and you can easily monitor your portfolio.

8. Max Out Your Options

Take advantage of every savings opportunity that comes your way. Make the maximum contribution to tax-deferred savings plans like TFSA’s, RSP, RESP (for your kids) etc and then open up a taxable account too. Don’t let any chance to save get away. Because of their nature, tax-deferred accounts will provide the greatest benefit when they shelter investments that generate frequent cash flow, or distributions, that would otherwise be taxable, which allows these payments to remain whole and be reinvested most efficiently. Therefore, there are two types of investments in particular that are best suited for tax-deferred growth: taxable mutual funds and bonds. These two produce the most frequent taxable distributions, such as interest, dividends and capital gains.
On the flip side there are several types of investments that can grow with reasonable efficiency even though they are taxable. In general, any investment or security that qualifies for capital gains treatment is a good candidate for a taxable savings account. This category includes individual equities, hard assets (such as real estate and precious metals), and certain types of mutual funds (such as exchange-traded funds and index funds). When capital gains rates decrease, taxable investments are more appealing for investors in certain situations, such as those who own long-term rental properties.

9. Catch-Up on Contributions

When you reach age 50, you are eligible to increase contributions to tax-deferred savings plans. Take advantage of this opportunity! For more ways to save money and increase your nest egg for the fast-approaching golden years

10. Patience Is A Virtue 

“Get-rich-quick” schemes are usually just that – schemes. The power of compounding takes time, so invest early, invest often and accept that the road to wealth is often long and slow. With that in mind, the sooner you get started, the better your odds of achieving your goals. It’s all about value so in all that you do make sure you are building or investing in things that are of value. Value oriented investing pays off with time.

“Teams help ordinary people achieve extraordinary results.”

I am a firm believer in team work. Since the beginning of the industrial age group leadership has been based on the military model of command and control. Industrialist managed groups by pushing and forcing them. At best we got compliance and conformity. At worst we set up huge “we/they” gaps that lead to union/management conflict and lots of other problems. Group ownership, shared goals, creativity, and participation were minimal. In the bad old days, the boss’ idea of participation was like the kid who rode the sled down hill and “shared” it with his teammates to take it back up again.As this Aesop’s fable illustrates, even weaker people are powerful when united in a strong team. It’s one of the most effective ways to mobilize and energize people.


Teams are a key way to get people participating and involved. That leads to higher levels of ownership, commitment — and energy. Numerous studies of North American change and improvement efforts in organizations have shown that major gains in quality, service, or productivity are driven by huge increases in participation and involvement levels throughout those successful organizations.   There remains a story that stands to be very amazing in concept. A certain man had several sons who were always quarreling with one another, and, try as he might, but he could not get them to live together in harmony. So he determined to convince them of their folly by the following means. Bidding them fetch a bundle of sticks, he invited each in turn to break it across his knee. All tried and all failed: and then he undid the bundle, and handed them the sticks one by one, when they had no difficulty at all in breaking them, “There, my boys,” he said, “united you will be more than a match for your enemies: but if you quarrel and separate, your weakness will put you at the mercy of those who attack you.” Unity is strength. But most importantly UNITY OF PURPOSE is the ultimate definition of team work and synergy. Have u ever tried breaking a broom with little single sticks in half… How hard is it??? Very hard. Even strong men never get that far. Teams that are unified in purpose stand the test of time and people.

I simple say TEAM is WEALTH. In our world today people seek to grow wealth consciously or subconsciously. People that are caught up in the rat race also seek to break free one day but they never realize that doing it alone never gets them too far. Today’s highly effective teams have a broad ownership and participation in the team’s tasks and how everyone works together to achieve them. Team members and leaders share responsibility for the effectiveness of the team. One of the best indicators of the strength of a team is the “We to Me” ratio. How often do team members and leaders use “we” and “ours” instead of “I,” “me” and “mine” in their conversations?

Monumental achievements are driven by ideals passionately geared towards clearly mapped out goals. Teams answer questions that if individual answered would be limited in nature. Teams pull together resources that enable greater achievement for the greater good. Ideal questions like the once listed below are better answered by people who are unified in purpose to build a legacy of wealth that will stand the test of time and people.

  • Why do we exist (our purpose)?
  • Where are we going (our vision)?
  • How will we work together (our values)?
  • Whom do we serve (internal or external customers or partners)?
  • What is expected of us?
  • What are our performance gaps (difference between the expectations and our performance)?
  • What are our goals and priorities?
  • What’s our improvement plan?
  • What skills do we need to develop?
  • What support is available?
  • How will we track our performance?
  • How/when will we review, assess, celebrate, and refocus?

Teams develop answers and related action plans around each question. Bringing a team together with a shared focus and taking action to make it happen is a powerful way to mobilize and energize. Wealth is a legacy that can be attained individually but is better attained collectively. Team wealth is built to last strong and last long. The foundation of wealth is bent on tenets of principled work and when a team is able to consciously carry out principled work then the achievement is greater than that of an individual.

Teamwork is a subject we don’t here allot about in relation to MONEY, PROMOTIONS, WEALTH and even HEALTH. As entrepreneurs we are naturally inclined to “do things ourselves” Like the old saying goes if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Although in some situations this may be true, most of the time using teamwork will get more done better and faster than you could ever do by yourself. Irrespective of how much you think you know, if you want to grow your wealth you have to be unselfish about working with other people. Putting you best foot forward.

Teamwork is against Social Programming

Haven’t you ever realized that team work is against social at strategic and critical stages of growth and development. The educational system for one says its OK to work on a project in teams but when it comes to the last major exam you have to do it on your own cause co-operation is called cheating. Now for some many folks reading this you might not understand this right away because we were all born into the system and we don’t see any farther than we are meant to. In the real world you work in teams for the most difficult project if you really want to win and build wealth. I always say a test or any exam of any kind is never a true test of any mans ability. Mark the word TRUE TEST… Instead the true test of ability is in a team setting where you have to narrow down on what is most essential for who and why.

There is strength in numbers and there are things way more valuable than money. The synergy and collective power of a mastermind of entrepreneurs is worth more than any purse can pay. Money comes from ideas and the best ideas come from a collective group of creative minds. Ideas don’t chase money, monetary resources chase ideas and an idea developed by a team becomes monumental in its ability to have resources chase after it and over take it in the process. For every idea you have; find a few people who can help magnify that idea and that’s the basis of WEALTH. Magnify the idea. Theres more to an idea than you can ever imagine.

Teamwork is worth more than a sale

I would rather be in a room of 100 great minds and me be the only one no one knows than be in a room by myself and have 100 raving fans. I would rather build a mutually beneficial team of 100 people than to get a commission from 100 customers. Teams and the collective creativity that comes from them are what creates real fortunes. If you ever have the chance of being part of a great team don’t let that opportunity pass because it might not be there tomorrow.

Stop trying to control everything and don’t let the fear of loss keep you from gaining everything you’ve ever wanted. Also don’t let your emotions blind you to despise someone on your team if there is a chance they may make a profit or gain a prospect for the services or strengths that they contribute. Everyone that adds to the strength of the team deserves to be compensated in some way or another.


And like I said before there are things much more valuable than money. For these are the things that create WEALTH which is more than money can ever buy. So Utilize the strengths of those around you and add to your team the gifts and talents you posses and together you will accomplish more than you ever could alone.

You might not last long but your ideas can last longer.

You might not live long but your legacy of wealth can live longer

You might not have what it takes to be rich; But you have all it takes to be WEALTHY

follow me on Twitter: @samueldavids

Our value as human beings does not emanate from the grades we attain in school, the friends we have around us, the positions we attain in society nor the size of our bank account. It is completely wrong for anybody to devalue themselves simply because they have not achieved much n terms of material things. The richest person in the world is not more valuable than the poorest person. The president of a country is not more human than other citizens. We are all humans and each of us share the same intrinsic value as other humans. When you see yourself in terms of who you are rather than what you do, you can appreciate yourself better. After all, is it not because of who you are that you are able to do what you do? Don’t look down on yourself because of what you lack or what you are yet achieve or accomplish. As a person, you are worth more than everything that exists in the world.

We are human beings, not doings. Who we are shapes what we do. Our worth transcends our works. Terry Mantis

Life is not measured by how much you own. People undervalue what they got because they COMPARE themselves with anyone and everyone. You have to know that your journey is different and how you get to yours goals (even when the goal might look like others) is very different. So quit comparing yourself with just about anyone or anything. Your confidence in life should not be based on your achievements, acquisitions and awards. It should be based on your humanness. Humanity derives value from God who created YOU in His own image. The same God who made YOU also created everything else that exists in the universe but he took out time to make you just like HIM. If God made both humans and everything else, then He is definitely greater than all. But then, He imparted His image and likeness into human beings. The other creations of God do not have the benefit of this impartation. This impartation automatically bestows greater value upon every human being above everything else that exists in the world.

The notion of VALUE is hinged on two main factors. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Value. It’s not surprising that our world today looks out for extrinsic value more than intrinsic value. It’s a perpetual fact of life that extrinsic value is sought after more often than intrinsic value because society, the media and celebrities pay so much respect to material acquisitions than anything else. So young minds grow up using that as a measure of their worth. Intrinsic value is based on principles and it begins in YOUR MIND. Your mind has to approve of your worth irrespective of who or where you are in LIFE. Your mind is your go to place to find whats most valuable. You appreciate your value by changing your mindset towards the things around you (what you think about yourself and the situation around you). Intrinsic value is about what you say you are, the name you answer to, the things your mind approves of while extrinsic value is based on what the crowd says about YOU or YOUR situation. Most people seek validation of their existence by others because they are too timid to seek to appreciate whats within.  Extrinsic validation is why people stay in the wrong relationship and expect to be validated in that. You are not the stock market that derives it value from what a multitude of investors say is valuable about your stock. All you need to appreciate you is YOU because it all starts in your mind. When you feel tempted to look down on yourself, remember your intrinsic value. See who you are and deploy yourself accordingly.


All YOU are or will ever be begins with YOUR thought process. Your mind is your most powerful weapon.

Here are some Beautiful Thoughts to help you appreciate your VALUE. 

  • Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain. Just pray for a better umbrella. That is attitude.
  • Appreciate your VALUE and your VALUE will appreciate.
  • When flood comes, fish eat ants & when flood recedes, ants eat fish. Only time matters. Just hold on, God gives opportunity to everyone!
  • Life is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship, it’s not how we care in the beginning, but how much we care till the very end.
  • Some people always throw stones in your path. It depends on you what you make with them. Wall or Bridge? Remember you are the architect of your life with God on your side.
  • Search a beautiful heart, but don’t search a beautiful face’. Coz beautiful things are not always good, but good things are always beautiful.
  • It’s not important to hold all the good cards in life. But it`s important how well you play with the cards which you hold.
  • Often when we lose all hope & think this is the end, God smiles from above and says, `relax dear its just a bend. Not the end. Have Faith and understand that the challenges increases your VALUE. Have a successful life.
  • One of the basic differences between God and human is, God gives, gives and forgives. But human gets, gets, gets and forgets. Be forever thankful/grateful in life….. In all things GIVE THANKS. That appreciates your VALUE in the eye of GOD.
Follow me on Twitter: @ Samueldavids
In theory when people think if wealth they think of money or in most presumable cases anything that has monetary value to it but they fail to realize that that’s just the result of true wealth. Wealth is a state of MIND. It’s a state of mind that when wrapped around any idea brings about wealth or could also bring about poverty. Wealth is also a legacy that is born out of a wealthy mindset (MIND WEALTH… coming soon)
In part 1 We looked at concepts around building our own inspiration in order to build our own wealth. Recognising the ability, potential and value we already hold internally before seeking wealth externally. The need for a strong desire to learn new things which can have a powerful impact on our ability to innovate and be creative. The need to have strong courage in spite of fears and in spite of tremendous obstacles. We looked briefly at the need to have a very clear purpose when seeking to create wealth, since we can never arrive in any location unless we have a clear destination.
In part 2 we now look at some more principles that contribute to “rich wealth” creation.
1.     Building and maintaining a positive attitude. 
  • The path to any objective can be difficult. But for anyone seeking a path to wealth be it money, health, good relationships, happiness, fulfilment the perspective taken on that journey is the key to success and the key to failure. For those who can retain optimism, believe, faith, confidence, a positive perspective, a greater vision for the world around them even in spite of what reality maybe indicating, they hold the key to a greater outcome. As one of history’s greatest thinkers said “Happiness depends upon ourselves”, Aristotle. In essence, our attitude depends upon ourselves. And so our outcome depends on ourselves.
2.     Holding high ambitions. 
  • The levels of attainment in life and attainment in wealth are decided by us and no one else. The ability to achieve higher wealth in life starts with the need, the desire and a higher ambition for wealth. As is well known a shot for the stars which fails cannot not leave any one in deprivation. However, a shot for the roof that fails may not end quite so attractively. High ambition can only be a win win scenario, since failure can still mean success and success of course means success.
3.     The need to take action. 
  • The thinking process, the perspective taken, the level and intensity of desire, the dreams, the strength of beliefs, the courage, the strength of purpose and the power of ambition are ultimately of no relevance until we are willing to enact what we desire in wealth. This may seem like a very obvious point, however when we look at the number of people who go through life with ideas, desires, dreams, ambitions but never act on them its fair to say that the world would be a better place they did. More over civilisations advancement would be swifter if dreams were empowered with relentless actions and dedicated activity. This one principle alone can often explain the difference between the “potentially wealthy” and the “actually wealthy”
4.     The desire to provide leadership
  • If standing at the front of the room can present challenges when trying to achieve an objective, imagine what it would be like sitting at the back of the room when trying to achieve the same objective. To achieve greater wealth often requires leadership, and need to step forward into the light. Leadership requires the utilisation of characteristics that fortunately most of us already possess. “A purpose is to serve. To serve is to lead. To lead is to inspire. To inspire is your purpose”. Focusing these traits towards a clear but shared purpose and utilising the ability to communicate that purpose to others can potentially lead to the enhancement of wealth of many different kinds. True leadership does mean giving more to those around us. A wealthy man and an example of this type of leadership once said “Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people”. John D. Rockefeller. Leadership just like wealth creation is not just about being able to see the top of the mountain but taking each step along with those around us.
5.     Rich wealth creation comes from understanding the VALUE within one’s self in order to materialise the VALUE outside one’s self. 
  • This is the most important principle of all. Any wealth creation is an internal not an external concept. While anyone can ultimately achieve health, happiness, riches, good relationships and fulfilment we first have to see these things within before they can ever manifest in reality. The motives, the intentions, the morals, the values given in acquiring wealth must also be pure if the giver wishes to become a true receiver of “rich wealth”. “All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth”. Napoleon Hill.
I hope you can extract as much VALUE as you possibly can from part II, along with part I. look forward to sharing some ideas with you again. If you have any comments, please feel free to share them.
Thanks a million
“… it’s just a way of staying ALIVE”
Every human being desires to be wealthy. But not every human being desires wealth based on cash.  Life offers countless opportunities to achieve “cash wealth”. How many problems exist in the world right now? How many of these problems are solvable at a profit?
To really understand “wealth” creation we need to understand wealth is not just about receiving or just about more of the green ($) stuff but it is actually about GIVING. This concept is simply a matter of principle and our own perspective. Wealth starts from being a problem solver and being a solution giver.
“You become wealthy by the nature of the problems you are capable of solving or creating a solution to. Also you become wealthy by the nature of questions you give an answer to.” Samuel D.
In trying to achieve your desired wealth consider:
 1. What type of wealth do you want to create?
2. What do you need to change about yourself in order to create the type wealth you desire?
Part I and part II of this article help address some of these questions and both reveal a path way to achieving the type of wealth that we desire. Wealth is different from riches (being rich). Wealth is governed by distinct principles that only a few ever attain because only a few really know the true meaning of wealth without associating it with being rich. Wealth is a legacy that spans a generation while being rich is having the resource to meet your needs and a little more.
Here in part I, are the first five simple steps to help achieve rich wealth creation:
1.     Find inspiration in the achievements of other successful people throughout history.
  • When we start to realise the tremendous ability of so many people through their achievements in business, sport, science, art, technologies, civil rights, entertainment, politics it gives us a major drive to set objectives for ourselves that we may not have considered before looking at their lives. Reflecting on the fact that they are human and so are we, gives us even more power to pursue our greatest wealth goals.
2.     Seek inspiration in the gratitude for that which we already possess.
  • Too often we compliant about what we do not have, rather than simply appreciate what we already do have. To focus our minds on what we already have and to be sincerely grateful even if it is little is the first step to receiving more of what we have and receiving more of what we desire.
3.     To create wealth be inspired to learn more than we know right now.
  • Socrates said “all I know is that I know nothing”. Now if one of the greatest philosophers in human civilisation said this then could more learning be of significant value to us in creating more wealth? Some of the greatest achievers in history demonstrate that in spite of their massive achievements constantly learning new things is a key element of their ongoing success. A useful thought is that, the more we learn, the more we discover there is to learn. It is our continued ability to learn that makes us wealthy.
4.     Find courage in order to become wealthy.
  • The wealthy are not always the strongest, the most intelligent, the best technically, the most gifted, have the best contacts or start out with lot of cash. Many examples exist to support that fact. But something the wealthy always possess is great courage. We sometimes fear failure, when we should be infinitely more fearful of not trying at all. Because to try and fail is to live, while to live and not try is survival. The wealthy do have fears too, but they simply don’t let their fears stand in their way.
5.     The inspiration to become wealthy will come from having a clear purpose.
  • Again it is worth noting that gaining wealth is not simply about gaining more money, where as being rich is purely about the green stuff. Wanting a Ferrari is great, and if that is the desire, do go for it. But where a bigger picture exists the path to wealth is simpler and far more fulfilling. Having a purpose is about someone other than our selves or something greater than our selves. The “me me me” syndrome is wonderful, but let us face facts the only person who gives two hoots about me, is me. We need to find something that speaks to the desires, wants and wishes of others and in doing so the road to “rich wealth” will reveal itself.
“Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service”. Henry Ford
I hope you can extract as much VALUE as you possibly can from the principles shared in part I, and I look forward to sharing part II with you soon. If you have any comments, please share them. In Wealth we TRUST is just another way of STAYING ALIVE.

It takes realization to attain greater heights. You need to truly acknowledge that you are the CEO of your own life and a better life immediately becomes imminent. Whether we are entrepreneurial spirited individuals, currently employed or even unemployed, we must operate with the proverbial “The Buck Stops Here” sign on our desks.

Everybody wants things from and for their lives. Various forms of abundance, financial wealth, building a great house, starting a successful business or charitable foundation, creating a family are a few of many possibilities. Understanding and believing that you are your own CEO is one important piece of the puzzle. You have to believe in your self to achieve any form of greatness or attain any height. As simple as this concept is, most people in their lifetime are never confident in their abilities (strenghts) rather, they concentrate/focuson their weakness thereby making it difficult to impossible to be or do anything of relevance to them and their world.

There are three parts to being your own CEO and maintaning your status as your own CEO.  They include:

  • Create
  • Employ
  • Organize


Effective CEOs take the time to identify what they truly want to achieve in life. As your own CEO you have to recognize, identify and realistically figure out what you want to accomplish or what you want your legacy to be about.

There’s something about a CEO that spells creativity; the ability to make something out of nothing or make everything out of something. As your own CEO you must be able to squeeze your creative juices inorder to get far, build and maintain your legacy of wealth. Just as in a business venture/organization, determined CEOs in life have very detailed visions of what they desire to achieve or heights in wealth they desire to attain. They plan and document(in writing) their visions, access them frequently (numerous times daily) and possess an unwavering, 100% genuine belief that all things desired will be brought to reality within a determined timeframe. It is a very specific destination that is created and good CEOs take all necessary actions along the way. Excellent CEOs make vision attainment appear to be almost effortless ventures. This is because the decision has been made that their life and causes are so important to them (as well as their families) that effort represents a very minor price to pay. For top CEOs, it’s a relaxed, enjoyable and fun trip with thoughts and eyes always on their targets. It’s a constant Be, Do, Have journey.

As your own CEO there are three simple steps that must be followed inorder to create anything.

  1. You need to have a clear vision inorder to channel your thought process and focus in the right direction come what may.
  2. You need to document your vision (in writing) so as to get a better understanding of what has to be accomplished. Its always easy to think of creating something, but once written on paper it gives more life to your mental creation and opens up your mind to accept the possibility of it happening.
  3. You need to plan, plan and plan even more inorder to go from whats in your mind, to what can be percived as your creation you need to plan your strategy to achieve the desired result.

In the corporate world every CEO has to employ all resourses neccessary (Land,Labour, Capital & Enterprenureship) inorder to carry out production (product/service). As your own CEO, it’s important to recognize that you possess four main resources which exist solely to help you achieve desired results in your life. All you need to get far in life is in you and you already posses them so stop with the excuses and get to work. These four resources are your employees. Their names are:

  • Time
  • Focus
  • Energy
  • Money

Your employees work only for you. They can only quit if you allow them to and can’t request a transfer to another company no matter how great pr how poorly you treat them. Monitor their performances and ensure they’re good, solid employees who all show up for work every day. How they collectively perform on a daily basis will determine your overall results and when you can expect your great success to arrive. These employees are literally your workforce. They should not be taking any sick days and vacations are to be authorized only at your, the CEO, level.

Your employees each have specific, but very unique specialties which enable your path…….


By definition, time is a nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future. The past is gone, the present is here but the future is still for us to define. Time, of course, will be present for us but doesn’t benefit the future unless it’s utilized in a constructive way. Time management is the principle drives growth and success in any sphere of life. Does your employee “time” work well for you or does it show up every day but never seem to yield progress to desired results? Procastination is one evil vice that has to avoided unless your employee (time) will be your grestest enemy. You are the boss so put your employee (time) to great use everyday (not some days) and your company will be laughing to the bank at the end of the day when all is said and done.


Employee #2 is focus. Is your focus vivid or blurry? Worse yet, is your focus missing in action? Have you created, documented and shared the “master plan” (vision) with focus? Do you meet regularly with focus? Does focus truly understand that it’s a vital part of the team? Focus should be a 24/7 employee and never allowed to punch out or leave the premises (so much for labour laws and sweat shops)


Is energy always being expended and managed in a direction that coincides with the CEOs (your) desired end vision? Energy should know what it’s supposed to be doing at all times. Focus must work very closely with energy as they are reliant on each other (Synergy). A sailboat without a rudder (focus) and wind (energy) is highly unlikely to ever reach a desired destination. Synergy makes your job as a CEO a whole lot easier.


Always keep a very close eye on your employee #4- money. Successful CEOs have a strong, positive relationship with and respect for money. Always be verifying and measuring how money is doing for you. Money won’t typically complain about being mistreated but positive management and utilization will illustrate itself in many various ways. Always be good to money and money will be good to you.


 We have just outlined the neccessary tools you need  be your own CEO but the last thing to realise is that you can employ the right employee, skill set or habits but if you dont organize them properly you will never get as far as you hope to get. Organization is the heart beat of any corporation and it should become your priority as well. Organization is the principle of a winner that keeps everything moving together in the right direction (SYNERGY).
As the CEO once all your employees resume and are ready to work on a good regular day you need to be able to tell each one what to do and when to do it. Without organization you will keep jumping from pillar to post with little to no work getting done and you will be exhausted at the end of the day. Organization simplifies your life and your work. It also keeps creativity in check.

CEOs are busy and shouldn’t need to spend overt amounts of time micromanaging their four employees. For assistance regarding this, the best CEOs incorporate affirmations into their mornings, days and evenings. For the CEO that desires financial abundance, a simple affirmation example is to repeat the words “Wealth”, “Success”….. “Wealth”, “Success”….. “Wealth”, “Success”…….over and over again in a slow, deliberate manner for five minutes, three times or more per day, every day; also just prior to going to sleep and immediately after waking up each morning. You will immediately notice that your four employees begin showing up early, staying late and even be working when you’re out of the office. They will come to love their jobs and you will always be proud of them for what they help you accomplish.

“Be your own CEO {Create. Employ. Organize}” Samuel Davids

**The “Wealth”, “Success” affirmation is from the publication, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.” – Dr. Joseph Murphy, PH.D, D.D.  If you’ve ever really desired to know why we think, believe and act as we do, why we keep repeating behavior (habits), this book is for you. Available at

In order to be wealthy and grow wealth one has to be his/her own C.E.O in every aspect of life. When you hear the acronym CEO you automatically think of a multinational organizations or a corporation that requires such hierachy of positional paradigm inorder to stir the company in the right direct acheiving set goals. The word CEO draws attention to someone in coporate attire that probably works on Bay street with the deminor of a classy, successful and important business minded personality. In this context the CEO is good old regular YOU doing what it takes to build generational wealth.

CEO is one of the highest (positional) levels of any corporation.

That being said lets define a corporation. A corporation is a legal entity that can sue and be sued so basically a corporation upon registration on “paper takes on a life of its own and begins to conduct business in like manner base on its charter. A corporation upon inception aquires assets for the operation of its daily business agenda and continues to aquire more assets as time goes on which increases its asset base and also in most cases makes use of liabilities in order to aquire these assets (Leverage :” we will come to that later on”). Based on my brief description of a corporation my question to you is “how different are you from a corporation” and if not different why dont you run your daily operational agenda like that of a formal/informal corporation.

You as an individual are a corporation in yourself both in natural and legal terms. You can sue and be sued and you also have to at some point start the process of aquiring assets as well as liabilities. Your wealth totally depends on your ability to aquire more assets than liabilities or more liabilities than assets. Now the question is “how am I my own CEO”???

In this context the acronym CEO simple means to CREATE. EMPLOY and ORGANIZE. The truth about the matter is that right from birth you automatically became your CEO without even knowing or realizing it. You are a brand in yourself based on your ability to create, employ and organize. Its quit obvious that some people realize that they can actually be their own CEO at some point in their life and they start degging deep into their reservoir of talents, giftings and potential inorder to find what they can create and what they will love to create so as to build a brand. The sad part is that majority of the crowd will never get to that point where they actually become their own CEO because at some point they fail to realize that all they need to build wealth or create anything is already deposited in them and all they need do is turn on the “light”.

Every individual inorder to build wealth must be able to believe and understand these three simple terms. You understanding of how to aquire more assets and less liabilities depends on how much your able to create, employ and organize your skill set, potential and most importantly your human and material resources. Wealth is an art and inorder to fully grasp the true meaning of wealth you need to be able to CREATE, EMPLOY and ORGANIZE.

…more to come on be your own CEO

It’s time once again to start evolving which is why am back doing what I love to do (Inspire). Changing your world one mind at a time is all about having a winning mindset and positively contaminating everyone one around you. Notice that the tag line does not say changing the WORLD; but its saying CHANGING YOUR WORLD one MIND at a TIME.

Three significant factors that are very important to hold on to in order to stay ALIVE and relevant in your world and the word.

As self-centered as it may sound but the truth is it’s all about YOUR WORLD… You cannot change THE WORLD… if you try to just change the WORLD you will die not changing anything at all… The truth about the matter is that in-order to change THE WORLD you’ve got to change YOUR WORLD. Like Ghandi said “be the change you want to see in the world so in essence don’t try to change the world if your not the pictorial view of what you wish the world were to be like. One thing you should know is that the world is not getting any better. There will always be one pathetic situation or the order in our world. That’s just the way it is but your world can be refined to be the change agent the world seeks. Your world comprises of you and your circle of influence (family, friends and networks at large). Once your mind embraces that which it seeks to change  then your circle of influence should be able to see it and if possible run with it. Once their ind embraces it then they can do the same with their circle of influence and the circle becomes endless but in your little way you have just changed your world and inaudibly the world.

The MIND is your greatest weapon as well as your greatest resource. Your mind is your POWER HOUSE. Mark the word power house. If your mind is out then you are out and if you want to achieve then your mind has got to see it and believe it before the rest of your being will be inspired to do all that it takes to achieve it. So if you want to change your world start by communicating with their mind (power houses). Start by challenging their mind (power houses). I will like to get you aware of the fact the fact that you cant change a MAN until you change the way he thinks… you cant change anything until you can adequately change the mindset behind it. That’s the propelling factor that drives everything you see, feel or observe. The mind is like soil (its either fertile or infertile)… the mind takes in seed continuously but the germination of that seed is based on the condition of the mind (fertile/infertile). Changing the condition of the mind is what is necessitated because no matter how expensive, prudent, cultured a seed is it will never germinate in an infertile ground.

I once lived in country where power supply (electricity) was never constant or stable. As an individual you knew that once the light came on you had to do all that you needed to do while it’s on because once it goes off you could never tell when it would come back on again. God forbid you were doing something that was so important when power went out then you would either have to start all over again or probably wait till power comes back. Your mind being your power house should never go out because once it does it takes forever to get it back on (its pretty easy to lose your mind or go insane but it’s the most daunting task to gain it back or become sane again). As your power house (Mind), your mind supplies your life with all that you need to be determined, persevere and attain great heights so always provide your mind with all that it needs to stay relevant. In order to stay ALIVE your mind has to be up to date like a computer you must constantly upgrade your mind. Feed your mind with things that will enable its growth and increase your capacity to take on new challenges and do more.

“Clear you mind of junk like your email junk or spam folder because It takes a clear mind to conceive great ideas that can change your world forever.”

TIME is the world’s most endless resource but as endless as it is; its SCARSE in all ramification. Time is absolutely efficient to those that understand the principle that drive its existence but inefficient to those that side line its tenets. Everything that will take place in the life of any living being is just a matter of time and Change is a matter of time. It takes time (either short/long) for the conditioning of the mind to change from infertile to fertile or vice versa and so also does it take time for seeds to germinate on a fertile ground or die on an infertile ground. Everything in life is all about PROCESS and the order of PROCESS is dictated by TIME. Nothing ever lives or dies overnight. LIFE is a process and so is DEATH. Its either you live overtime or you die overtime based on the conditioning of your mind (fertile or infertile). The truth about you as an individual is that you can take yourself from level zero to level hero by changing your world one mind at a time. In doing so you are directly changing your world and indirectly changing the world.

“Its just a matter of TIME”